What I Believe by Natou Bamba
I believe one must cherish what they love the most.
I believe you should respect your parents at any cost.
I believe that I’m going to create my own industry of Medical tools.
I believe the world can only excel through peace.
I believe in what the Qur’an says.
I believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
I believe in prophet Mohammed [pbuh].
I believe that babies are likeable only if they make sense.
I believe that muslims are not terrorists, but are just normal people.
I believe that teachers can be annoying, but can also be the best help I can ever get.
I believe that one must be the change they want to see in the world.
I believe that getting your college degree is your first husband.
I believe that the world is full of surprises.
I believe that failing is the first step to succeeding.
I believe that life is short, so one must smile while they still have teeth.
I believe that between every problem there is always a solution
Just dig deep enough.