The Tell-Tale Heart (continued) by Desiree Fuller
Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"
‘’ Villains!’’ I shrieked , ‘’dissemble no more! I admit the deed!- tear up the planks!- here, here!- it is the beating of his hideous heart!’’
‘’Thou you wretched’’, ‘’You a lie’’
As the two officers picked up the plank, they smelled a rotting smell. They looked back up at the killer, They said
‘’What filthy animal’’, ‘’Take him away’’ The officer said.
While being dragged out in cuffs Mr. Madman ( The Killer) laughs and says
‘’ A madman was never so wise’’ ‘’ I shall rest as I know the eyes are gone’’
Later in the car... Mr. Madman was looking out the window when suddenly he saw the evil eye, He started to panic. He screamed
‘’The eye, the evil eye is back’’, ‘’Thou shall die’’ said Mr. Madman.
‘’ Stop the car the eye it’s following us, said Mr. Madman
The officers looked at him and laughed.
As, the eye got closer the Mr. Madman started to panic even more now he was yelling
‘’NO!, the eye, I killed him, I KILLED IT!’’ How…. ‘’ How is this possible?’’ stammers Mr. Madman.
When they arrived at the psychiatric hospital and Mr. Madman was shocked when they tried to take him inside he hit one of the detectives they had to wrap him up.
Hours later… they made sure Mr. Madman was tortured. Every time he closes his eyes he will see that evil , pale blue, Vulture eye he couldn’t sleep he couldn’t even squint without seeing that evil eye.
Few months later….
‘’Finn Whitley (Mr. Madman) ’’ called the guard
‘’ It’s time for you to get sentenced’’
‘’NO, the eye will follow me’’
The guard was thinking, are they sure this guy killed an old man? When Finn was being escorted to the courthouse everyone was there; Press, Neighbors, Family and Friends of both Finn and the old man Oliver. Everyone was huddling asking questions. Finn got so tired of it he hit one of the reporters. Everyone was shocked. He later went to court. He pleads Guilty but he still wants to explain why he did what he did then he told everyone the story of the ‘’The Tell- Tale Heart. Even though the judge was disgusted she sentenced him to life.
Months Later…. Finn soon died a gruesome and slow death, his eyes bleeding and bleeding until he was STONE, STONE DEAD.