End of the Civil War by Mariam Bamba
Historical Fiction
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): Evening Ms.Stone.
Kate Stone (KS): Good Evening Ms.White.
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): Mmm. It seems like the sun is shining brighter up north don’t you think?
Kate Stone (KS): The sun shines just the same, Caroline. We just finished the war. We’re just in dismay.
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): The best and the bravest of the south, sacrificed for nothing.
Kate Stone (KS): Who caused this if it wasn’t the south? You guys do nothing but complain. Where has it got you? We’ve all lost someone.
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): Oh that’s right. I heard Old Abe has gone n’ meet with the creator. He just got himself a freeway ticket out of this mess. Reconstruction my foot!
Kate Stone (KS): You guys were ready to continue enslaving the people with no shame! The Lord had sent us Lincoln to make this nation great again. It was indeed the Lord’s doing.
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): Kate don’t you dare use the Lord’s name to praise that tyrant.
Kate Stone (KS): I see now that there’s no point in arguing with you. What’s done is done Caroline.
Caroline Barrett White (CBW): NO!
Kate Stone (KS): Have a good night Caroline.