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Dear Isabella by Leila Gonzalez



This is just not any story about a prince and a princess, castles and dragons, even fairy godmothers. In this story, it faces a drama between a young girl and her family. And how her situation left her alone forever until something bad happened and led her family back to her. 


Dear Isabella…..


June 20th 1999, Summer Banks was born to a really huge family. She was the first born child and let's just say she loved chicken. Summer had Dirty Blonde Hair and really bright green eyes. When Summer turned 1 her little brother Forrest was born, Summer didn’t like that idea of having a brother but she grew out of it once she turned 5 and Forrest turned 4. 


In 2005, Summer’s little sister Autumn was born but unfortunately during Autumn's birth an accident occured when Summer's dad died in a mass shooting. After that incident the family just fell apart and things changed.


Well I’m Summer and my life is not so great, It’s 2015 and I turn 15 today. I have to start at a new school today because I got expelled from my last school because my mother just doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. I grew up in Brooklyn,NY but we moved to New Jersey to start over.  But I’ll give it 2 weeks until we have to move again. That’s the problem with my mom. She's a drunk, she has no filter and no say so in what she does. We now live in a 2 bedroom house where I have to share a room with my sister and brother. I need privacy. I'm 15 today and I can’t share a room forever. My aunt is coming over today as she does every year on my birthday, I wished I lived with her. Her house is 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Which is great because I could’ve privacy. 


“SUMMER!” my mom yelled. “Can you go to the store and get more beer please.” 


“Why so you could get drunk on my birthday?” 


“Are you talking back to me Summer?” 

“Forget it, ask someone else.” As I am off to school with my brother and sister I start getting nervous. I always hated the fact of starting new, especially when you don’t know anyone. I'm starting my last few days in 9th grade because that’s the grade I left off at in my old school,and in a few months I’ll be in 10th grade. As I walked to class everyone just stared at me like they were staring. They looked like I was scaring them, like I’m a monster or something. 

       In my head I’m just thinking What a birthday!


As I’m heading to the cafeteria it was just packed, so I just headed outside to eat there. Until a Jock sat next to me, I was so confused on why a jock would sit next to me. 

He was sweet, but he said “My bros can’t know I’m talking to you.” 

“Why, am I not pretty?” 

“No, that’s not it.” 

“What is it then?” 

“I was the new kid a few months ago, so I know how you are feeling.” 

“Hey you wanna hang later?” 

“You wanna hang with me?” 

“Yeah what’s the problem with that?” 

“Well it’s my birthday and… well it’s not like my mom planned something, so why not?” 

“Happy Birthday and you won’t regret it.” “What’s your name?” 

“Tanner Jenkins, but people call me TJ. What’s your name Miss?” “

Summer Banks”. 

“Cool”. Schools over so me and TJ head to a burger shop, and surprisingly we both like the same meal. 

“This burger is really good, like fantastic.” 

“I know I always come here.” The waiter comes and brings a cupcake and a candle, and a strawberry milkshake. 

“We didn’t order this..” 

“I know I thought if your mom doesn’t celebrate your birthday why not I celebrate it.” In my head It’s like a heat wave. 

“Really thank you.” 

“No problem you probably deserve it.” We start to wrap up and he takes me home. “Hey Summer before you go inside can I get your number?” 

“Sure!” He leaves and I go inside my house, and there was a cake, balloons and music playing. “Where were you?” 

“I was out, why are there decorations?” 

“I wanted to celebrate your birthday.” 

“Wow Mom you are unpredictable, you haven’t celebrated my birthday since dad died!” 

“ I wanted to start new Summer.” 

“You should’ve started 9 years ago.” I ran up to my room and pushed my siblings out. I start crying like when you are really mad, and then you cry at the same time. 

  I screamed as loud as I could “I HATE MY LIFE!”


That night was horrible, the only good memory was hanging out with TJ. He made my birthday real, and came back to life. Sometimes I wish dad was here because he would’ve made mom open up her eyes on what she is doing wrong. Believe me I hate arguing with my mom, I even hate looking at her “Ahhhhhhh” I wish I could just run away. Then I had it. I started packing my bags and gathering everything I need. 

“Summer where are you going?”

 “Forrest now is not the time.” 

“But where are you going?” 

“I’m leaving I have to get out of this hellhole, my whole life is a FREAKING MISTAKE!” I hate seeing my siblings cry when my mom yells at them, I’m becoming like mom. “Listen we all leave one day, I can’t live like this anymore. It breaks me inside that I live like this, that I live with a drunk in a tiny house with no father to comfort me, or protect me from dangerous things. Take care of Autumn for me please.” Forrest is not the emotional type but he was crying which broke my heart into pieces.

 “Bye forrest, I love you.” I left the house and my mom was sleeping on the couch. My phone started ringing. It was TJ, I didn't pick up until I heard him. 

“ So you're not gonna pick up?” 

“TJ, you shouldn’t be here.” 

“Why are you carrying bags?” 

“I have to go.” TJ started jogging to me, then he tried talking to me. “TJ I have to leave.” 

“Why? Is it your mom, did she do something to you?” 

“No, I just can’t live like this anymore. I live in a Fucking Hellhole. I don’t have a dad anymore, I have nothing.” 

“You have me right?” 


“Summer I like you ok you can’t leave, if you wanna leave stay at my place.” 

“How big is your house?” 

“4 bedrooms it’s just me, my parents and a guest room.” 

“Let’s go to your place.” His house was beautiful, it looked like my dream home.” 

“My parents went on vacation so they won’t be back until July 20th.” 

“Did they at least leave you with money?” 

“Yep almost $4k.” It got late so we sat down on the couch and watched movies. We stared at eachother then we kissed, then we kissed again and again. Then it got intense and you probably could imagine what happened next. I woke up in TJ's bed and he was still sleeping. I went to the kitchen and ate some cereal. 

“You have to go.” 

“What? You said I could stay here.” 

“Well now you have to go.” 

“Are you fucking serious, I literally had sex with you which was a complete mistake.” 

“Sorry Summer, it was just a challenge.” I punched him in the face and then pushed him to the floor. 

“Bye Tanner!” 


I had all my things together and went back home. 

“Summer!” My siblings ran to me and hugged me so tight. “You ran away!” “

“Mom, it’s not the time.” 

“When is it the time then?” 

“Uhhhh, when is it I’m trying to owe it up to you and you’re just annoying.” 


“Summer, I’m just trying to talk to you.” 

“Just leave me ALONE!” I go back to my room so angry that I just wanna break things. But then I got this upset feeling in my stomach, I ran to the bathroom and started vomiting. I clean myself up and head downstairs. “I’m going out to get something.” 

“No you are not, you are not going anywhere. You wanna run away so now you stay home until I give you permission.”

 “The fuck, I’m 15 I’ll be back.”

 “Summer, don’t you do it!”

 “I just did.” 

I ran out the house and went to the pharmacy, I didn’t know what I was exactly looking for. But then I checked my period calendar on my phone, “I’m late…” I started looking through the aisles for a pregnancy test. I got about 3 different ones and headed to the register. The lady just looked at me like she was grossed out on what I was buying.

 “Is there a problem?”

 “No, that will be $15.99.” I paid and went back home.

 “Young lady you are grounded, what did you buy?” 

“Nothing, just leave me alone.” My mom went up to me and dropped my bag, I tried to grab it back but she already had the test in her hand. 

“Why do you have a pregnancy test? Are you pregnant? Did you have sex?”

 “Mom I will answer your questions later, just give me the test.”

 “So you had sex and when were you deciding to tell me?” 

“Why would you care, you are always drinking.”

 “Summer, this is serious, you are only 15. Do you have a job, money and a house to raise this baby if you are pregnant?” I looked at her with tears in my eyes, she gave me the test. “Listen to me if you are pregnant it's on you, it's not my responsibility it's yours. Who’s baby might it be?”

 “On my birthday I met this boy. He celebrated my birthday for me, then I ran away and he offered for me to stay at his house. We had sex, and he kicked me out. He said I just talked to you because I was in a challenge, the first one to have sex with the new girl gets to be captain of the football team. He won.” I started crying.

 “Well go take the test and if you are pregnant you have to go.”

 “What? Mom you can’t just kick me out. I’m your daughter, your first born.” “Well Summer you should’ve stopped him.” I was just even more angry knowing that if I am pregnant I have to leave. So I go take the test and wait 10 minutes. I look at the test and it says…. “Pregnant”. I threw out the pregnancy test and went back to my room. 

“What’s this she’s pregnant?! SUMMER! Get Down NOW!”

 “Mom please don’t kick me out please I'm begging you.”

 “Summer where is the baby supposed to go? There’s no room.” 

“I will make room.”

 “Summer, you got 2 options, either it’s a abortion or get out.” 

“Bye Mom, I’m not getting an abortion.” 


I was homeless again, this time nowhere to go, She abandoned me, my own mother. She just left me to the curb her own daughter. I had no money, no nothing. I went to my highschool and dropped out. I figured that was the only way I could raise a child and get a full time job. I didn’t even want to tell Tanner he got me pregnant, I figure he wouldn’t care because what he did was just a game. But I knew it would be the right thing to tell him. I head to Tanner's house and I knock on his door. 

“Summer I didn’t expect you to come visit.” 

“Well I didn't expect me to come visit you again.” 

“What’s the issue now, you homeless? Is it your mom?” 

“Well Tanner it’s both and I didn’t come to ask you if I could stay in your home.” 

“Take this and read it, if you are even a little concerned call me if you don’t call me I will expect that you don’t want to be part of this commitment. Also, Tanner, I really liked you. What you did to me was messed up.” I left and sat at one of the park benches. 

Ring.. Ring. Must be Tanner. “Hello?” 

“Hey are you sure?” 

“Tanner there are 3 tests there that all tested positive.” 

“I’m sorry but I’m only 16.” 

“Well I’m only 15 Tanner and I have to carry YOUR baby, I left my moms because it was either get and abortion or leave, I chose to leave because that’s my baby.” 

“Summer ever since I kicked you out I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I am in love with you.” 

“Tanner don’t mess with my feelings right now.” 

“It’s true even if you don’t forgive me I just want to let you know that’s our baby and we got to take care of each other.” 

“Are you committed to raising our baby?” 

“Yes Summer I’m committed.” I was relieved to hear that he wants this baby and he is willing to raise it with me. I went to the burger place that Tanner took me on my birthday. I'm just eating my favorite meal and then Tanner shows up. 

“Tanner what are you doing here?” I get up and go to him. 

“I love you” he kisses me. 

I pull away. “Tanner is this another challenge because if it is I don’t want to be part of it.” 

“It’s not Summer it’s all me.” I make a little smirk and I pull him to me and our lips touch. We were kissing for like 2 minutes, then we went outside. “Want me to walk you home?” 

“About that, I can’t my mom kick me out.” 

“Well stay with me?” 

“Why not?” We headed to his place and I fell asleep. After a few weeks we confirmed that we are dating, and being with him besides what happened has been the best thing in my whole existence.


It’s been 3 years since I had my sweet baby girl Isabella, and it’s been 3 years since I saw my mother and siblings. I live in a 3 bedroom house with Tanner and everything has been going just great, until I received a phone call stating that my mom is spending 5 years in jail due to 3rd degree burglary with a firearm. 

After I received that call my heart dropped, I was in shock so I called my aunt. 


“Summer, it’s been a long time, don’t worry I’m taking your siblings to live with me.” 

“Oh thank god thank you so much.” 

“How's the baby?” 

“She’s doing great, she has to stop growing.” 

“Haha, I will call you later. Ok, Summer?” 

“Ok bye.” I hang up and I tell Tanner what’s going on. We decided to pay a visit to my mom. I start getting Isabella ready, when I look at Isabella she looks just like me. She has my hair and has Tanner’s ocean blue eyes. We finished getting ready and got into the car. We arrived at the prison. I see my mom and she looks directly at me. 

“I wasn’t expecting you to visit me.” 

“Well mom, since I had my daughter it opened my eyes, and I realized that a mother and daughter relationship is the most powerful thing. 

“Where is she Summer?” 

“Mom this is Isabella.” I could tell mom had tears in her eyes. 

“She’s beautiful, she looks just like you but with blue eyes. How old is she?” “She’s 3 years old turning 4 in february.” 

“Summer I am so sorry I left you I should’ve helped you with the baby and..” 

“Mom I’m glad you did because If you didn’t I would probably be a mess, while living in a tiny house.” 

“How bout’  Forrest and Autumn?” 

“Auntie decided to let them live with her.” 

“That’s good. I love you Summer and tell your brother and sister the same thing,”

“I will, bye mom.” 

“Bye.” We left the prison and took Isabella to McDonalds to get a Happy Meal. A month has passed and it’s February, and my sweet beautiful baby girl Isabella turns 4. What me and Tanner usually do for her birthday is that we take her to the park, get her ice cream then cut a cake for her. This time I want to take her on a road trip to Disney. It was a bad idea because something really bad happened.


While I’m in Disney World celebrating my daughter's birthday, I get a phone call stating that something happened to my mom. 

Ring..Ring “Hello?” 

“Yes, is this Summer Banks?” 

“Yes it is who’s calling?” 

“Prison of New Jersey”. 

“What’s going on?” “I’m calling to inform you that your mother was found dead after a fight broke out between her and a cellmate.” 

My heart froze, my whole body froze. I couldn’t breathe. I let Tanner talk on the phone and handle everything. “Summer, are you okay? Talk to me, Summer”. 

“I need to go to the bathroom, watch Bella.” As I walked to the bathroom I couldn’t hear anything it was like everything was in slow motion. I walked into the bathroom making sure no one was in there, then I screamed and broke down crying. I was so angry that I punched the bathroom mirror leaving my hand full of blood and cuts. I walk out the bathroom and head back to Tanner. 

“Summer your hand what happened?” 

“Let's go.” 

“Where do we go?” 

“Back home to New Jersey I need to see my family.” 

“ I’m your family, Isabella is your family.” 

“I know that I need my family, I need my brother and my sister.” I said crying. As me and Tanner are yelling at each other Isabella starts crying. 

“Baby don’t cry everything is ok.” She stopped crying when I gave her an IPad. We headed back to New Jersey and went to my aunt's house. My siblings started running towards me and gave me a huge hug, we all started crying. 

“She's gone Summer, mom’s gone”. 

“I know Forrest, I know.” We head inside and talk for a long time. I put Bella in the car so Tanner could take her home. 

“You are not coming home Summer?” 

“I think I’m going to stay over so I could be here for my brother and sister.” 

“Ok I see you in the morning, I love you.” 

“Love you too.” A few days passed and it was the day of my mother’s funeral, I haven’t been at a funeral since my dad died. We were in the funeral home for about 2 hours then we headed to the cemetery so she could be buried. I hug my siblings and I tell them everything will be okay, I’m always here if you need me okay?” 


I’m 25 now and my mom died 8 years ago, ever since then that situation led me back to family. My baby girl is 12 years old, my sister is 19 and my brother is 24. Forrest builds homes and sells them, Autumn goes to Medical school. Forrest is a dad of 2 twin boys, and a husband to a childhood friend. I used to say I hate my life and that I live in a hellhole, but I don’t hate my life and sometimes we all live in a hell hole. But as I learned in my lifetime of living is that even if you try running away from family there will always be something to lead you back to them. That just proves how strong family means to me, it took me a while to realize that. I wish I realized that when I was younger. I’m glad to have a family without them. I would be nothing, I would be lost.


 Isabella, remember that family is everything. I love you!

From, Mommy xoxo

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